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It's Always Something

“So you’ve been writing letters, young Lupe, you pixie-sized imp.”

I should probably explain that I had no intention of wounding the child. There is no better quality in the 12-and-under class than this little mischief-maker and, being my god-niece, she's one of the few inmates of the Village that I look forward to seeing on those occasions that I’m prevented from staying away.

“I write my mom once a week when she’s traveling,” said the Lupe.

“That’s not the kind of letter I’m talking about and you know it,” I said, adding emphasis on the last few words. I know her tactics, you see, and I wasn’t about to let her wiggle away from the intended subject. “I’m talking about the letter that’s been floating around with all the hallmarks of one of your magical spells.”

“Runes, you mean?”

“Not runes! Let’s not continue with attempted diversions, please. This is a serious overturn of the natural order that you’ve instigated and it must stop it now!”

“Why,” she asked.

“Because if it doesn't stop soon, the village curse will awaken and slither from the muck at the bottom of Lake Jordan to come make my life a living hell.”

“Jordan Lake,” she said.

I decided to appeal to her finer nature, if any, and so I said, “Lupe, please! I need your help. Will you rally round or not?“

“What curse?” she asked.

“Oh, why do you insist on making this so difficult? You know the curse. The aunt’s curse. Every time I visit this lunatic asylum, I suffer the effects of one of Fate’s practical jokes. The place becomes unfit for human consumption, especially this human.”

“But I live for those times,” she said, with a bright smile spreading across her face. “Nothing fun ever happens in the Village unless you’re here. Even Vickie Mason says that it’s the worst assignment in North Carolina for a blue bottle who wants to advance through the ranks. She has nothing to do.”

I raised a hand to quiet the little urchin. “Just one minute, young Lupe. Let’s stay on topic from now on but just for the nonce, explain to me what Vickie Mason has to do with this. And before you answer, let me assure you that we are going to get right back to that love letter. I’m too familiar with your tactics of diversion and obfuscation to fall for any of your tricks and, yes, I recognize that blue bottle remark as a diversion. Now—about Mason. What’s the story?”

“What does obfuscation mean?”

“Deliberately causing confusion. What about Mason?”

“She’s the new head of security.”

“Head of security?” I said. “What security?”

She laughed at the question. A full-throated, head-thrown-back laugh. “I know. Stupid right?” She shook the topknot and then continued, ”Uncle Gus decided the Village should have a security force to make the visitors feel safe. All the off-duty guides work as security guards and Vickie is the Chief.”

“But nothing here needs guarding. What’s the old boy thinking? Has he finally lost it?”

“The don’t guard. What they really do is answer visitor questions, give directions, run errands, that kind of thing. Mobile phone service sucks in the Village and the girl guides deliver messages for people.”

“But why would Vickie leave the county sheriff’s office and take a job like that?”

“Well, she says she took the job to have a better crack at pinching you.”

I marveled. I admit this took me by surprise and yet I was certain—the butterflies in the gut were certain—that the young geezer had hit the nail squarely on the head. Wham! Bam! Mason planed to set a trap for yours truly.

“You see, Lupe,” I said, “this is just the kind of thing I’m talking about when I speak of the curse. Mason simply can’t accept that I’m an innocent man. She has a vendetta against me. It goes all the way back to high school and that unfortunate incident involving underwear and flagpoles. No one should have to endure the level of persecution that’s directed toward me by that rural scourge.”

“Innocent? asked the shrimp. “Did you say innocent?”

“Innocent is what I said,” I said.

“But you burned down the girl guides dormitory.”

“Oh, my sainted aunt!” I said. “Are people still talking about that? Isn’t there a statute of limitations around here?”

“It only happened last Christmas,” she said.

“Exactly!” I said. “And I’ve explained at least a thousand times that it was not my fault. I had no other choice. You would have done the same if you had been at the scene, knowing that Mason and the rest of the sheriff’s deputies were going to arrive any minute. There was no time to phone Two Men and a Truck. I had to burn the place down to hide the evidence.”

 “Oh, don’t get your knickers in a wad,” she said, using one of Aunt Maggie’s trademark quips. “May Day Festival is only a few days away. Everyone is busy getting ready for it. Mason won’t have time to mess with you. And then barely able to contain the laughter, "She’s got to plan security.”

“Perhaps you’re right,” I said. “I hope so because Gwyn called me down here to do a little something for her and I don’t want any distractions.”

“Hmmm,” she said. “You’re going to have to devote all your attention to that little job,” she said, and she said it with a sort of solemness that caused the temperature in the room to rise.

“Oh, you know about the favor then? I hope it’s not another one of those harebrained schemes that only she can devise. I have enough black marks on my record resulting from the last favor she asked.”

"Why don't you just say no when she asks?"

"It's complicated," I said. "We have history."

"Oh," she said, "you mean it's like blackmail."

"Isn't it?" I said and I meant every word.

“Don’t worry,” said Lupe. “It’s not a big deal. You can do it standing on your head.”

“That’s reassuring,” I said. “What is it she wants anyway?”

“She wants you to slip into Alan’s room at the Inn and steal a ring.”

Rites of Passage

The day promised to be bright and beautiful and it put the old spring back into my step as I sashayed down the trail around Brunswick Lake. I was feeling better than better and I'll tell you why.

The events of recent months had left me feeling like I once felt while swimming at the bottom of Soddy Lake, scrambling around to find a few pebbles to bring back to the surface to prove to the boys on the bridge that I'd made it all the way to the bottom.

But hold on; I've just realized that this opening may leave a few of you wondering just what the hell I'm talking about. Let's put it in context and then I'll get on with the topic for the day. I promise to be brief.

In the days of yore, most of my relatives and I lived near the lake close to where it joined the Tennessee River. We had many traditional challenges, which I later learned are called rites of passage, and most of them involved water.

One of these, which was intended to occur prior to the 16th birthday, was to dive from a railing on Amstrong Bridge and go all the way to the bottom of the lake, into the trench where a mountain spring flowed, and then fill your hand with gravel to bring back to the surface.

Bring the gravel up and you were ready for driving, dating, and preparing for manhood. Otherwise, you were still a child. The prerequisites for this event were to first jump from the top of a bridge support column, and later dive from that same column, a distance of about 16. The distance from the top rail to the surface of the water was about 24 feet.

And so when I say that I'd felt like the kid swimming around in the dark, cold water trying to find a handful of pebbles, I hope you will get the gist.

But this morning, I found myself in the bright, clear light of day, sunshine and birdsong energizing my walk and lifting my mood into the stratosphere, not too near the sun.

I felt like Icarus--I'm sure you remember him from high school--and I joined the local birds of prey soaring all the way up to those towering cotton-ball clouds.

It was one for the record books and I'm still feeling its effects. Mornings like this make me feel that I can do anything and that the future is too bright to be without shades. We know that life isn't like that, of course. There's always something hiding around the corner waiting for you to become distracted by some shiny object.

Still, there's nothing like the feeling that comes from sitting on top of the world with a rainbow 'round the shoulder, if only for a little while.

Life comes what? That's right, life comes fast; and what? Yes, it comes hard! You're paying attention, my friend. Have a great remainder of the day and fierce qigong to you.

Summer Lightning

"Look at me!" I said to Ms. Wonder as we sat on the lanai on an afternoon so beautiful that it would have been offensive had someone recommended a self-improvement program. The sky was that special hue that we in the islands call Carolina blue. The clouds were white, puffy, and towering. The breeze was light, the humidity low, and the bluebirds were raising the bar with mood-lifting tunes. In short, it was a typical day in County Brunswick.

"What about you?" she said but she didn't ask it with any real pizazz. Still, I wisely decided to give it a pass and continue with my presentation while I had the floor.

"I'm living a new life; one day at a time in paradise," I said.

"Oh, really?" she said.

"Don't do that," I said.

"Do what?"

"You know what I mean," I said. "Don't use that tone of voice that says you've heard it all before. It's different this time. I've had 5 full days of normalcy and it's all because of my new attitude."

"You do seem a bit chipper," she said, "but I've seen this before. What makes you think this is a new beginning?"

"Because I've got Princess Amy on board," I said.

"Get out!" she said with full incandescence because when she placed her hands on my chest and pushed, I fell base over apex across the potted palm causing Sagi, the caramel-colored tabby to give me a wide-eyed stare similar to the one that Hamlet must have given his father's ghost.

Once, I picked myself up and dusted myself off, I raised myself to full height and stared down with bruised dignity. I saw in her eyes that she felt remorse for my tumble even though it was clearly unintended on her part. This, I reasoned, gave me the high ground.

"I'm feeling good about it," I said.

"Of course," she said, "and you should."

She had a new attitude, of course. I continued with renewed vigor. Is it vigor? I think that's the word.

"Yes, sir, feeling good from my head to my shoes," I said.

"I think I know where this is going," she said with an apologetic smile.

"Yes," I said, "it was a difficult lesson to learn, but the wires are now uncrossed and the tables are turned in my favor."

"Any worries?" she said.

"Very few," I said. "Why worry when I've got you?"

"Be ready," she said, "because you know that dark skies and rain will come."

"Life comes hard and fast," I said. "The only thing that's changed is me, not the world I live in. Tears will come but what do I care as long as I have you?"

I was on a roll and it felt good. I continued.

"I think I've changed for good," I said. "A brand new attitude. Obstacles will come but we'll get by, as long as we have each other."

With that said, she gave me a little punch on the arm. A playful little punch but due to my standing on one leg at the time and the loud report from a nearby thundercloud, I took another tumble.

She couldn't hold back this time. She laughed like a paper bag exploding.

Loving The Spin That I'm In

Yesterday was one of those days you want to take home to meet Mom. And when I say yesterday I mean the whole long day. It began with a bright sky and mockingbirds singing, not just one of their Billboard Top 10 tunes, but an entire album of songs that qualified for Emmy nominations.

That may not seem like a big deal to you but it's a rarity for me. I told Ms. Wonder about it this morning over coffee at Port City Cafe. No real point in telling her; she already knows all there is to know about the Genome. Still...

"Let's hope today is the same," she said with her usual optimism. She's a gem, that one, with her positive outlook and her moxie. I wonder why the Universe allowed me to get ensconced in her life. It seems too good to be true and yet there I am.

The whole thing seems wondrous to me even after all these years. You probably remember the story I told in a previous post about getting trapped by the safety belt in my car on our first date. Surely you remember. I'd look it up now if I were you and not familiar with the story. You can always come back to this post after you've come up-to-date with events.

If you're one of the regulars who hang onto every word I write, then you'll understand why, after that first date, on the very next visit to her office with the corporate rent check (it's something we did back in the day), she told me that she knew I loved her and that I wanted her for my own and that she would--and she made it perfectly clear--that she would be my wife.

I was shocked of course. Not what I was expecting at all when delivering the specie to the landlady. But what could I do? A parfait knight like the Genome does not leave a woman dangling. She had stated in no uncertain terms that she would walk the aisle with me while the organ played "The Voice That Breathed O'er Eden." 

I did what any gentleman would do. "Oh, that's settled then," I said. "Do you prefer a large or small wedding?"

Unfortunately, that particular wedding wasn't to be; not yet at least. A hurricane was spotted loitering around in the Gulf and we made hasty plans to hightail it to Arkansas--Hot Springs as I recall. The nuptials came about a year later.

But as I was saying earlier, on this day she offered her blessings for an enjoyable day and I was grateful as always. She and the Universe share a special bond, being almost best friends since they first met on this side of the veil. Still, I was doubtful and I told her so.

"I'm not expecting the day to turn out so pleasant," I said. "The feeling I have is like the one I felt on the day I entered Doyle Jaynes's apartment and found every flat surface covered in pizza boxes and the floor strewn with soda cans."

"I'm sorry," she said.

"The worst part is that the air is heavy with the stench of stale tobacco and Frank Sinatra is singing something about round and round, down and down.”

"What are you talking about?" she said looking as though I'd just admitted to keeping ferrets. "Stale tobacco? Sinatra?"

"Oh, sorry," I said. "What I mean is that the air in my mind smells of tobacco, etc."

She nodded and then stirred her cappuccino thoughtfully. "Can I ask you something?" she said.

“Of course," I said.

"Are you ever happy? Really happy?"

We looked at each other for a long moment while I search the data banks for the most recent spot of happiness.

"I was happy when Port City made me the customer-of-the-month for April," I said.

"Yes, but that was fleeting. Do you ever have extended periods of happiness?"

"We had this discussion just recently," I said. "Remember, the dogs in the park, sniffing butts, carrying sticks, and chasing balls?"

She gave me a look like the one she wore when her best girlfriend decided to quit her job in Houston to go wait tables in an ice house in Bandera.

"Where can I go but to the Lord?" she said and I thought it must be a rhetorical question and so left it lying there. 

I knew the question was loaded with something but not being sure of what, I struggled to find the correct response.

"Well, yes," I said, "we didn't resolve anything that day either if that's what you're getting at." 

Ms. Wonder

I saw her standing there in the lobby on my first day working at 1120 NASA Road 1 in Houston, and the way she looked was way beyond compare. She looked my way and our eyes meet for just one moment. That's all it took. I knew that before too long I'd fall in love with her and she'd become Ms. Wonder.

Paris of Troy must have felt the same when he first saw Helen.

Before I got the nerve to ask her out, I spent several lonely nights behind the wheel of my automobile, cruising around town and listening to the radio with no particular place to go.

The day came when I walked into her office and walked across the room to ask her for a date. My heart went BOOM when she said yes. After that first dinner, I was anxious to tell her how I felt and my heart went BOOM again when she told me she felt the same way. 

Cleopatra must have felt the same when Marc Antony first came calling.

Eventually, we drove past the metroplex and realized that Moonstruck was playing on the big screen. We parked with a few minutes to spare before the movie began and it was then that I stole a kiss. At that moment I knew that my lonely nights were in the past and that I'd never dance with anyone else again.

Napoleon must have felt the same when Josephine first smiled at him.

The night was still young and the moon was gold so we decided to take a stroll before the show began. Imagine my surprise when I couldn't unfasten my safety belt. And so we spent that first evening together, she sitting next to me at the wheel, cruising around town and listening to the radio with no particular place to go. 

We've been to many places together and made many happy memories. I wouldn't have it any other way. Tomorrow we will visit the districts of Wilmington, cruising around and listening to the radio with no particular place to go. 

Life is good, especially with Wonder in it.