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Showing posts with label #May2011QSurf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #May2011QSurf. Show all posts

Ride The Wave

          There is a tide in the affairs of men [and women] that,                      taken at the flood, leads on to victory.
                                      ~~ William Shakespeare, McBeth

One of the secrets known to the masters of Alchemical Shamanism is that the Universal Consciousness works for the good of its children. Simply stated, the Universe is looking out for your best interests.

Don't misunderstand, I'm not pretending to be a master of anything. No, I got my information straight from Ms. Wonder, who, as you know full well, is a master of everything.

She denies it but I can see through her attempts to pass as a normal denizen of the earth. Probably an alien avatar sent to guide humans to higher consciousness and create a better life on the planet for everyone. I mean, those are my thoughts.

I do know a little about life energy, sometimes called vital energy, but only because I follow the path of Fierce Qigong in my quest for Camelot. I do hope you pay attention to the regular postings here on The Circular Journey because if you miss a few episodes you're going to find yourself lost. Just think of missing an episode of Morning Show and you'll get the idea.

                  *** Questions?
                Consult the disclaimer at the end of this post (not now; 
                wait until you get to the bottom.)

So, as I was saying, I know that vital energy, the Qi (energyin Qigong (energy work), fluctuates. It rises and falls, it grows and subsides, and it's in constant motion between negative and positive, dark and light. Lupe makes use of these Qi fluctuations when performing her duties as Backup Mistress of the Greater Wilmington Night.

When the energy is directed toward you, it comes at you like the swells of the ocean that build in power and momentum until they break into waves. All you need to do is wait for the right moment and then launch your Qi surfboard onto the crest of the wave. That energy wave will deliver you to your dreams.

That's all there is to it. Simple.

Simple but not easy. How do you know when the right wave comes along? How do you know that the next wave is for you?

There is a method of living that will put you on the right wave without knowing beforehand that it's your dream ride. I call it fierce living or living life on life's terms

Waves come and go. Some are meant for you and some aren't. What you do is paddle out into the deep water (or get out into life where opportunity will bump into you). That's where the waves crest and when a promising opportunity comes along, you take it. If it's not for you, it will either never build to anything worthwhile or else, you'll fall off. 

It doesn't sound ideal but it's the best option we have. When the right wave comes along, you'll be there riding it for all you're worth and, if you don't abandon it, you'll be carried almost effortlessly to your goal.

That's the method I'm using in my quest for Camelot.

Disclaimer: (read the following very, very fast)
The information and content provided in this blog post are for entertainment purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting any exercise, or wellness program.

If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe at any time, whether following the suggestions in this blog post, or any other situation you may find yourself in--love relationships can sometimes be the most problematic-- stop the activity immediately and contact your health-care provider.