Let's face it - The Circular Journey's views are stagnant, and I don't like it. I'm used to seeing views increase as I become more consistent. But I've been consistent as dammit for the last few months, and no response. While ups and downs are normal in blogging, the current malaise, while not in the red zone, is deep into the yellow.
"Merv" is a Belgian malinois
I'm not expecting Fitzgerald or Faulkner's numbers. On the Jeff Goldblum Scale™ of literary excellence, those guys are solid fives. The Journey deserves a rating of two Goldblums, and honestly? I'm proud of that, and I intend to defend that rating.
After some deep diving (aka frantic Googling), I stumbled upon publishing's oldest trick: nothing sells like scandal. American publishers dream of getting banned in Texas or Florida, while their British cousins pray for angry bishops denouncing their books from pulpits.
One good "This is outrageous!" from clergy, and boom - 10,000 new readers faster than you can say "forbidden fruit."
I never thought I'd say this, but I'm taking the first step on my quest for infamy. After considering all options for being banned from polite society (my usual strategy of bad puns having failed spectacularly), I've settled on a simple plan--simplicity is essential. I'm going to praise Hollywood East.
So here's my master plan for infamy: I'm going full Hollywood East fanboy. That's right - I'm embracing the film industry in Wilmington, aka "Wilmawood."
Some people believe that Hollywood is the express route to moral decay, so perhaps singing the praises of our local film scene will finally earn TCJ the condemnation it needs to bring the attention it deserves. What one person sees as a den of iniquity, another may see as a smart SEO strategy.
My own forays into local showbiz have been... memorable. Like the time I nearly got kicked off "The Waterfront" set for stalking actors portraying DEA agents, hoping for a video. (Shoutout to that angel of a Production Assistant who hid me in plain sight - genius move!)
Then there was my spectacular failure to get anywhere near "The Runarounds" - a show about struggling musicians that, fittingly enough, gave me nothing but the runaround.
The first step on my quest for infamy will be the next blog post. The scoop on the heartwarming romantic comedy, "Merv," the tale of a depressed dog playing cupid. Writing about a clinically depressed pooch restoring broken relationships has got to ruffle someone's feathers, right?
Zooey Deschanel (Queen of Twee herself) is in the starring role and she's joined by some other people--just kidding--Charlie Cox plays opposite Deschanel.
Downtown Wilmington was the location for much of the film and some scenes were filmed right outside Luna Cafe! Kure Beach, south of the city, doubled as the setting for Florida. Don't question a North Carolina beach becoming the setting for sunny Florida. Ocean Isle Beach, near my home, has become Atlantis for me.
Wilmawood's turning our city into something special - a place where talent meets opportunity and where you sometimes find zombie extras standing in line at your local cafeinery.
It's time for individuals with exceptional talent and determination to make a difference. Or in my case, when a blogger with mediocre talent and questionable judgment can at least make people laugh while trying.
So here's to my new mission: championing Wilmawood, one possibly controversial post at a time. Best case? New readers. Worst case? An angry letter from someone who takes themselves way too seriously. Either way, I'm calling that a solid 2.5 Goldblums.