Mostly true stories of joy, enlightenment, and just one damned thing after another.
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Thank You, Lucy!
It's Amy's Fault
"I don't know why we bother doing this," I told Amy. "It's just wasted time and energy. I spent the morning looking for profitable items to re-sell, and I'll need to do it again tomorrow to have a chance to break even for the week."
I got no response. I didn't expect one because I was talking to Princess Amy, that spoiled little brat of a limbic system in the middle of my brain who gets her kicks by overloading my emotional system.
"Doesn't it bother you?" I asked.
"Nope," Amy said. "I'm only in it for the money, and I don't care how much time and energy you put into it."
"The money?" I said. "I only hope I don't lose money this week."
"Yeah, you're not much of a business person. You should pay more attention to me. I'm an entrepreneur."
"You are not a business person! You're a little almond-shaped cluster of brain cells. You might benefit from the money I make but you never really profit. It's a foreign concept to you."
"Making money's not the only way to profit."
"What are you talking about, if anything?" I asked.
"I'm an entrepreneur," she said. "I get you to do stupid stuff--to generate excitement--and you can be real entertaining sometimes."
"Oh, yeah," I said. "The excitement you cause is only entertaining for you and it never ends well."
"When I'm on a roll," she said, "I can fire you up enough to get bystanders involved, and that's when it really becomes fun. What a riot!"
"You're a menace! You're a danger to the fabric of the universe."
"I'm an influencer," she said. 'And I have lots of projects in the works. I'm not just another pretty face, baby. That's why I have to keep my brain functioning efficiently. Which reminds me, I'm not operating at full power right now because I need a latte and a muffin."
"This is leading up to a stop at Surf & Java, isn't it?" I asked.
"Exactly. I can get some caffeine and you can have an Impossible sandwich for my lunch."
A few minutes later, we were seated outside the surf shop, and Amy was relatively quiet while I ate. I suppose she was soaking up some nutrients to stoke her engines. I was thinking about going home when she spoke again.
"I need another latte," she said. "You get it and I'll wait here. I'm gonna look at this magazine. It says on the cover that Keanu Reeves used to surf competitively."
I didn't reply. I was beginning to feel like I was no more than a vehicle to chauffeur my limbic system around town.
"Too bad you can't stay here and have someone else get the coffee," she said. "What if there's a sudden rush of customers and someone gets our table?"
"A rush of customers?" I said.
"It could happen," she said. "Good idea," I said, "I'll stay here to keep someone from taking our table."
"So anyways," Amy said."Did you know that Keanu was a surfer? Maybe we should take up surfing."
I tried to get comfortable in the plastic chair as I overthought Amy's earlier comments about being an entrepreneur.
"You got a lot of thinking going on," Amy said. "It's getting hot in here with all that thinking you're doing. You're burning too much energy."
“I didn't realize that you were capable of doing anything more than mismanaging my emotions," I said. "Just what are those projects you spoke of?"
"I'm a complex person," Amy said. "I got a lot going on. You haven't even seen the tip of my iceberg yet, baby. One of my goals is to be a TV star."
"How's that even possible?" I asked.
"I'm gonna be a reality star like Kyle, Lisa, and Khole."
"A reality star--you're going to be the next Khole Kardashian?"
"It's only a matter of time," she said. "I got a plan worked out, and I'm about to start shooting demo reel. That's how you make it happen, you gotta shoot a demo reel."
"What's your plan? And how are you going to film anything?"
"First," she said, "it's a concept show that I call Naked at Work."
"I already don't like it," I said.
"You don't like it but you're really good in it," she said.
"What's that supposed to mean. I'm not going to be part of anything called Naked at Work."
"But you already are. Remember those dreams? The ones where you're working in an office and you're in your underwear? That's my prototype for the show. Now it's time to move to being completely naked."
"You little jerk!" I said. "Those dreams are caused by you! I thought we had an understanding. You and I are not different persons. We're the same. What I experience, you experience. Why do you do this to me?"
"It gets boring in here," she said. "I need some diversion."
"But why not give me fun, exciting, positive dreams? You'd benefit from safe, comfortable dreams just as much I would."
"Yeah, but I'm competing for a Dreamy award, and with Naked and Afraid, I think I've got a winner."
"Awards? How does that work? Do you cause me to dream that you get an award?"
"No, dummy," she said. "There's a whole dream universe with lots of stuff going on it. What do you think dreams are for, anyway? They aren't just entertainment for you, you know."
I was overwhelmed. I needed some time alone and that's not easy to find when you're trying to get away from your own thoughts.
"Uh oh," I said, "look at the time. It seems we don't need to be concerned about a customer rush, I need to check on my mom and then stop at the hardware store. I've got to patch the lanai screens where the squirrels gnawed through them."
"Your mom is no longer living on the earth," Amy said.
"No, but I still check in with her daily."
"Well, if I was you," Amy said, "I'd get home in time for a nap so you can keep up with me tonight. We got a demo to record."
"I won't forget about that," I said, and I said it without any real chirpiness.
You're Not Alone
Castle Street Nights
Out in the bright sunshine, the joy bubbled up once more and I entered the doors of Luna Caffé with a light heart and a tra-la-la on my lips.
The barista was, no surprise, Hannah Kay, the self-anointed emergency backup mistress of the greater Castle Street night. Her attitude of barely tolerable disdain for the clientele is due to dancing the night away and then applying complex eye makeup and facial hardware each morning.
"Good morning, Hannah," I said, in tones so measured they could balance on a high wire, and I meant it to sting.
"It may be good for you," she shot back, "but have you ever had to open this café at 6:00 in the morning after a night of being stalked by a ninja vampire cat hell-bent on ending life as we know it in Wilmawood?"
This new motif presented an interesting diversion, but I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing that just yet.
Beignet Lafayette
I cradled him and began brushing, a surefire way to put him in a good mood while distracting him from my sleight of hand. As I brushed with one hand, I searched for the end of the bandage with the other. Ben tolerated this for exactly two seconds before deciding he'd had enough.
Did You Finally Decide?
If you follow these little musings of mine, then you're probably aware that I insist on living happy, joyous, and free, as the saying goes. But damn, if it doesn't often seem that the odds for happy days are slim.
The publication will be called Carolina Roads. The focus will be road trips throughout the Carolinas and neighboring states. I expect it will be well received and most of our advisors agree. You may be asking, if it's so hot, what's the struggle about? It's a fair question, and I'll tell you my answer to that, too.
You surely remember Princess Amy--that little almond-shaped cluster of brain cells that bears a striking resemblance to the Red Queen of Wonderland. She's taking my inventory recently, and she thinks as much of me publishing a magazine as Moses thought of the Children of Israel when he walked in on them worshipping the golden calf.
I'm afraid that I'm going to have to finally decide. It's the only way out of my predicament. I'm acutely aware of the reality. I've been this way before.
It's an old story, really. Shakespeare told us that a lack of resolve is understandable when, as he put it, "Between acting on a dreadful thing and the first motion...blah, blah, blah.
"That state of man, like to a little kingdom, suffers then the nature of an insurrection," he said.
So, here we go again. Thank you for allowing me to vent. I apologize for the interruption, and I thank you for your support. I have my marching orders. It's a plan that I can follow. I don't want to but I will because it's the next step and all I can do is take the next step. Is there any more to life than that?
Time For A Cool Change
So, my friend, I offer a sincere apology for this ranygazoo. I know you tuned in expecting a behind-the-scenes scoop, but my sources got their knickers in a wad over the timing. It doesn’t often happen, but when rum is plentiful, the intel may be sketchy.
The filming will happen next week. I got that straight from a couple of Wilmawood Downtown Ambassadors. "There's lots of those friendly people," and just like in the song, "They show me the way to go."
"I know it may sound selfish," but let me dream my dreams, love whoever I love, and breathe the air unhindered. "Yeah, just let me breathe the air."
Is That All There Is?
"Is it a good morning?" I asked.
"Very clement," she said with a big smile, and I understood that she intended to cheer and lift the Genome's spirit, but Princess Amy was having none of it.
"It matters little," I said, "when facing a trial by fire that you've got a nice day for it." And I was pretty happy with that one. I don't remember who said it but I like it and I use whenever I have the opportunity.
"No, I suppose not," she said.
"The sun was probably shining when the 600 rode into the Russian gunfire," I said.
"The Light Brigade," she said. I nodded.
"Not feeling up to kicking off a new meditation class this morning?" she said.
"The true nature of reality, Poopsie," I said, "is this--when I form a new meditation class, Fate sends me three kinds of people. First to come are those who think they know meditation but don't. Second, the ones who’ve meditated so much their eyes bubble. And third, the kind I’m hoping will show up, although..."
"Sorry," she said with a dramatic and pleasing pout, and I immediately felt just a little better knowing that this worker of wonders was ready to help if help was required.
"It’s like that character Shakespeare was always writing about," I said. "You know, the one who agonizes over doing something… but then doesn't?"
"No, not that one," I said.
"The genius and the mortal instruments," she said but I wasn't in the mood for more Shakespeare and raised a hand to stop her.
"Like to a little kingdom suffers then the nature of an insurrection," she said and I held up another hand but then realized it wouldn't be enought to stem the tide.
"Poopsie! Please. Put a sock in it. Shakespeare before coffee is just too much to bear."
Then I heard more voices and realized that I was not the first to arrive. I found them sipping coffee in the bamboo garden. No reason not to sip. I always approve of coffee but these few turned out to be exactly the kind of people I like to attend new classes--new to the practice but familiar with the health benefits.
"Let's join in," said the female in the group and they all thought this a sound suggestion. In fact, they seemed to be eager to begin, although I suspected they might be just be happy to hear that it wasn't interpretive dance.
When the appointed hour arrived, I gave instructions, asked a question or two, and rang the bell. As we focused on our breathing, it happened—by the third breath, the scales fell from my eyes. My anxious expectations had been for nothing, and instead, a quiet satisfaction settled in. Maybe I could actually help someone with all this."
That morning, one that is now long past, was a turning point for me. You know how it is, one thing led to another and now I'm writing a book about living fiercely.
"It pains me to admit," I explained to Ms. Wonder later that day, "but the whole thing feels like it has my Great Aunt’s fingerprints all over it. You know the type—gets you to do whatever she wants, no matter that you’ve got a packed schedule?"
"I suppose so."
"My qigong master, Wen the Eternally Surprised, used to say that the universe is conscious and that she's always looking out for my best interests. I haven't completely embraced the concept, but I haven't thrown it out either."
"Ah," said Ms Wonder, "It's a great mystery isn't it?"
Sweet Baby Genome
Waiting for summer, his pastures to change."
Uma Maya's Gifts
Awakened by the haunting melody of "Total Eclipse of the Heart," I was initially puzzled. The dream, though tinged with a touch of melancholy, didn't feel entirely eclipsed. This disconnect between the song and my emotions left me unsettled.
ICuriously, I approached the light, gently nudging it with my toe to realign it. The instant I touched it, it extinguished. "What the hell, Louis?" I muttered to myself.
Despite the odd encounter, I brewed coffee and carried it to the lanai. As I began recording bird calls on the Merlin app, I decided to embrace the unexpected gift of this early morning, a time I rarely savor.
Ms. Wonder, I knew, would be awake by now, brimming with ideas for a fulfilling day. But then I remembered she and her friend were on Oak Island, climbing the lighthouse.
You surely remember Charlie, the terrier with an expression that sometimes says, 'I love you because you're amazing.' and at other times, looks like a Baptist minister rebuking sin in the congregation. I mention it here because Charlie's housekeeper is the friend climbing the lighthouse with Wonder.
Their penchant for these adventurous outings puzzled me – I mean, why climb lighthouses? Is it just because lighthouses exist? I'll ask Dr. Coast, she probably studied these aberrations in graduate school.
Determined to shake off the "eclipse of the heart" and elevate my mood, I formulated a plan: to simply enjoy the morning. The idea of journaling appealed to me. I envisioned myself writing to you, dear reader, and that thought brought a smile to my face.By half past nine, it was clear that journaling would be nothing but a series of fits and starts. Not what I was hoping for. Time to initiate Plan B: I fired up Wynd Horse and headed towards the Memorial Bridge, then turned onto Castle Street.
Feathery clouds had sneaked into the sky while I wasn't looking, and a brisk wind caused dry leaves to crab-walk across the street. I drove slowly half-expecting to glimpse Piglet soaring overhead. Stranger things have happened on Castle Street.
As I sipped my coffee, I recalled the most important life lesson Uma taught me:
"Every day is a gift and a reason to celebrate life."
A smile spread across my face. The "eclipse of the heart" began to lift. In this moment, in this place, I realized that life is indeed, the most precious gift and a reason for continuous celebration.
Thank you, Uma!