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Genome In The Summertime

Are you a fan of P. G. Wodehouse? Most people are it seems. I'm certainly fond of his work. Inspiring is the word I'd use to describe it. 

Wodehouse lived through some of the more difficult times of the 20th Century. World War I, social unrest in Europe, World War II, and worldwide financial woes. It wasn't pretty.

What could one man do to cope with all that madness? How to stay sane in an insane world? Words. Words are all he had to give him hope and keep him on the sunny side of the street. 

And so he wrote a light-style comedy to brighten things up and to find a happy spot in a darkening world. Me too. I haven't lived through times as difficult as his but I've lived through the most difficult times of my life. And my writing, the writing I do in The Circular Journey, is my happy spot. Surely that’s enough I'd think.

And since we're on the subject of happy spots, let's not overlook the fact that we're up to our chins in summer, a season that holds many happy spots for me. Summer and I share a lot in common. I'll bet you didn't know that the sun-filled season is the key to my eternal youth. The secret lies in the total freedom found in long summer days.

But to truly appreciate the season, one must learn the language of birdsong and attend a squirrel circus when it puts on a show. I attend to these requirements as often as possible.

Every ray of sunshine holds the promise of infinite possibilities, or so I believe, and summer rain showers cleanse the mind and spirit, just as they cleanse the air. That's my story.

My philosophy, which I'm sure you're anxious to hear, is that we arrive at life’s ultimate destination too soon and besides, life is chock full of absurdities and chaos. Might as well embrace all that nonsense and find ways to enjoy the trip. I apologize if your interest is more in lifestyle updates than philosophy.

Let's get out of the rough and back on the fairway, shall we? The dog days of summer are upon us and those days are nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!’ I like to party with a leisurely stroll through Brunswick Forest. Not exactly a disco party but it works for me.

There's a touch of magic in the blue skies reflecting from the lagoons and every ocean breeze sweeps the dark thoughts from the mind, if I only allow it.

A great stress reliever for me is forgetting about people for a while, dancing with butterflies, and expressing gratitude to the trees for simply being there. I do it every morning.

Oh, I mustn't forget the ducks in the lagoon. There's always something restful about a duck. No matter what problems may be afflicting the general public, ducks remain aloof from them and simply go on being ducks.

Eureka! I'm not sure the expression belongs here. It seems more appropriate for a post I published some time ago. But still, I feel like expressing it, so Eureka! 

And who do I have to thank for this feeling of euphoria? Mr. P.G. Wodehouse that's who. By writing to find his happy spot, he created a happy spot for me in his books, and he taught me to create a happy spot for myself. A place that I can inhabit no matter what's happening around me. 

In my own way, with my humble skills, I try to bring a smile to the faces of my public with a little light night music here on The Circular Journey. And so I wish you a bright, cheerful day and a wonderful summer free from the limitations of past days.