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Life Is An Illusion

My favorite barista, Laura, was ringing up my order when she directed a curious look toward the neighborhood of my right ear. I immediately assumed there was a noodle hanging there but it turned out to be something far more interesting. Laura explained that a Tootsie Roll had just emerged from my ear.

Those were not her exact words but that's what my subtle ear heard. As soon as she said it, I knew that the Universe was tapping me on the shoulder. It was a reminder that the material world is an illusion. 

Tootsie Rolls don't get from one place to another by ear delivery. TRs are delivered by 18-wheelers, like the one emerging from my ear with Tootsie Roll painted on the side. Or was there a truck on the road behind me, at the level of my ear?

Just before Laura's vision, I was taking a break from the work of planning a new meditation workshop. I spent most of the morning thinking about how our minds tell us things that are not true and how meditation can teach us to harness our minds in more beneficial ways. 

Now, for those of you who think that the purpose of this post is to announce my workshop, you're close. I'm actually announcing a new blog that will focus on meditation. I'll tell you all about it in that blog.

I know it's a nick out of time but that's the way I work.