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What A Light!

This morning, as I sat counting medications for the cats, my mood was as dark as the sky. The gloomy clouds promised another gray day and I was not happy about it. Princess Amy loved it I'm sure.

But before Amy could start anything, a bright light suddenly burst through the kitchen window. What light breaks through yonder window I thought. And when I say, what light, I mean what a light! 

It appeared in the twinkling of an eye as though the sun, anxious to get the day started, had dispensed with the usual sunrise ceremony and simply leapt above the horizon and turned the volume up to eleven.

But wait, I thought, the kitchen window doesn't face east. I looked up from the pill bottles with not a little anxiety. What if today, I wondered, is the day the Christians talk about--the day of reckoning. Will the trumpet sound? Will the earth shake?

That reminds me of the time the earth did shake. I was in San Francisco for a software convention and my hotel was near the airport. The planes that were cleared for landing had to call the whole thing off and circle round until the landing strip stopped moving about. The dead didn't rise and walk around though. They stayed dead.

But I've jumped that rails. Where was I? Oh yes, what a light!

That startling light coming through the kitchen window was a 10 power reflection of the light from the east and the big yellow school bus stopped at the corner in front of my house was the sun. From now on, I will call that bus, Juliet.

If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, take my advice and don't stare directly at the bus. 

There you have it. That's how my day started and I'm pretty happy about the whole thing. When the day begins with that much excitement, how can the rest of the day be a let-down? 

My plan for the day is to get a new travel article drafted for Carolina Roads Magazine. I'm thinking Southport, NC, will be the subject. I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes. I'll need to be vigilant to prevent Princess Amy from getting her groove back but I'm feeling confident about that and feel no anxiety about it.

When the day starts with a little Shakespeare, it lifts the spirit like the dickens. Here's hoping your day got off to a good beginning. If not, don't forget what the wise woman said--it may have been Ms. Wonder--you can start your day over any time you like and as many times as you like.

What could possibly go wrong?